We're Still Alive (and Other Things You Should Know)

Owners of Colladay Leather share a laugh and a tune on the guitar. Jeremiah is wearing the Lodgepole Pine Guitar Strap.

We have heard it said that entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80 hours every week to avoid working 40 hour weeks. The world wide interwebs attributes this quote to Shark Tank investor Lori Greiner, and if it’s on the internet, it’s 100% credible, right?

Anyway, the point is that this quote has never felt more real in our leather start-up journey than in the past month or two.

We’ve been MIA lately, so we’re pausing and stealing a few precious minutes to fill you in on all that we have been doing while we HAVEN’T been on social media.


  • Back-to-back festivals/art markets in November
  • Prepping like crazy for a few more artisan markets coming up in December (more on these later)
  • Christmas orders!
  • Terrain’s Creative Enterprise program (seriously, we should have announced this weeks ago). We were selected to be part of this year’s cohort and it's been an honor! If you don’t know about this program, check it out here.
  • And finally, one other fun project in the works, but we’re going to make you wait to hear about that…


Aside from our excuses for busyness, here are a couple things you might want to know for the coming weeks:


  1. CHRISTMAS DEADLINE is Monday, November 27th! We’re a small operation and if you order after November 27th, we simply can’t guarantee that your item will be ready and shipped by December 24th. So, if you’re looking for Christmas gifts, get those orders in soon!
  2. Who can resist Cyber Monday??? We’re offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders placed on Monday, November 27th! (Look how perfectly that coincides with our Christmas deadline… it’s like we planned it that way.)


Alright folks, that’s all for now. A million thanks for your patience, your support and your enthusiasm, especially during this wild season. Truly, Colladay Leather would not be what it is without you!